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Honoring our veterans for 25-years and counting!

"Over 25 years online and we are still dedicated
to the men of the 34th Photo Reconnaissance Squadron
who served with distinction in the (ETO)
European Theater of Operations from
Spring, 1944 to Autumn, 1945."


So that They may be Honored for all time. Official United States Air Force Website.

  ©Copyright 1997-2024 34th PRS Association. All Rights Reserved.
Other copyrights maintained by respective holders.
Permissions applied for where applicable.
Maintained in memory of Thomas E. Myers,
"Chief Know-it-all & Part-time Churl" (1961-2008)
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Yes, this is a REALLY old website! Twenty-five years and then some!
Last Updated:   JULY 3, 2024 .